So, here it is, the first new Easter Islanders song for 2025. The title is “Factory Worker,” and it’s what you might call chip tune style, which means retro primitive electronic sounds reminiscent of an early game soundtrack. Heavily processed, brash and jaunty with a slightly sinister mid-section, it will definitely get your foot tapping.
Now this song has an amazing origin story which I’d like to regale you with. Unbelievably, I wrote it 45 years ago. Yep, you heard right, it was written in the spring of 1980 for my punk band Sense of Outrage when I was a wee 13 year-old. I have a crusty old recording of it being worked on - basically one kid bashing a tom-tom randomly, and two others with cheap guitars plugged into the family hifi amp desperately trying to play the same four notes at approximately the same time. Much too embarrassing to post here.
For some reason last year I suddenly remembered the four-chord main motif and its projected vocal melody line and decided it was good enough to turn into a bit of electronica.
Judge for yourself by clicking the button below for a free listen, or choose Spotify / Apple Music if you think I should actually get paid for my efforts. Enjoy.
Otherwise, find it in Spotify, Apple Music or ahtever else you use.