Yes, my techno outfit EASTER ISLANDERS released a new double album of melodic, dark and sometimes danceable electronica last August, improbably entitled 'Eigenstates of the Hamiltonian' and I'm only mentioning it now.
Well, that's a reflection of my sluggishness and my 'can't be arsed' approach to promotion. Hey, the album took two and a half years to make, so what's another five months? Reminds me of the Russian proverb 'if you're ten minutes late, you might as well be half an hour late.'
You can listen to it here, and even buy it over here.
I've already started working on the next one, and this time I've vowed not to have tens of half-finished tracks on the go simultaneously, but to do one at a time, like normal sane people. One song is already done, but as usual a couple of years will slip by before the whole thing's finished.
Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the majestic retro grooves of the (somewhat) new offering from EASTER ISLANDERS.