Late afternoon is always a good time to go to the Nanzenji area of Kyoto. As the sun sets, the masses depart, and although the temples have all closed for the day, you can wander around the buildings unimpeded, getting something of the tranquil vibes you’d hope for from a Zen temple.
I got to the area by subway, getting out at the Keage station , walking around Nanzenji, then walking back along random streets to the Higashiyama station (left edge of the map) as it got dark.
Here are a couple of shots. It’d been so long since I used a DSLR camera that I couldn’t remember what some of the controls did. Same applies to the processing software back at home. All a bit hit and miss. But here they are anyway.
San-Mon Gate, Nanzenji, Kyoto
San-Mon Gate, Nanzenji, Kyoto