First Fruits

Making techno albums is time consuming, not only because of the endless sonic possibilities offered by the latest technology, but also because the process tends to get bogged down after the initial idea has been born, a kind of writer's block concerning where to go next which results in the track being set aside for months. 

But still, things have speeded up somewhat : my first 'modern' album of electronica, 'Souvenirs from the Surface of Last Scattering,' came out in 2010. The second, 'Monotonic in Extreme Deep Field,' in 2014. Wow! What a gap - just like those bloated rock bands of old. But something has changed - inspired by the acquisition of yet more vintage synthesiser software, I already have eleven new tracks mapped out for the next album, 'Eigenstates of the Hamiltonian,' so a 2015 release seems very likely.

 Incidentally, the songwriting process for my electronica always begins with the titles. These are usually drawn from history, science, geography or just randomly (mis)heard phrases. The album titles are all related to physics, especially cosmology. So now you know.

Here are the first two completed tracks for your listening pleasure:


Vintage synth simulators even including wobbling patch cables... 

Vintage synth simulators even including wobbling patch cables... 

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